Ticket Bob in Barrio Sin Numbre

Patrolman 'Ticket' Bob is walking Barrio Sin Numbre in his dream. Something is following him. Dark alleyway flanked by small connected adobe apartments, open dumpsters teaming w/cats. Fairy lights everywhere. Smell of jasmine. Behind a luminous window a child is crying for forgiveness in Spanish. A muffled arrhythmic slapping. Somewhere in the distance a high school band is playing a cumbia or a mazurka or or maybe a chote, he can't tell. He comes to a shrine. Center of the barrio. Where someone has died violently.

An old man has married a young woman and is very happy for he loves her deeply and she him but he is jealous he doesn't think that he, still strong but old, can keep her, falls into fits when any younger man comes near. He has to go to the mountains; has to gather firewood for the winter; is gone for three days. When he returns, his burro laden down with wood, he finds his young wife sitting on their doorstep chatting happily, a young man sitting next to her. Close. Too close.. In a rage he kills them both, chops them to pieces with his ax. This young man is no lover but the woman's brother come up from Sonora. Two days later the old man hangs himself in his cell. Where his house stood now a shrine.

Violent death means the dead didn't have time to confess, are stuck in Purgatory. This being closer in a way to the living world the living build a shrine, call on the dead for advise, do small favors, pass a good word on upstairs.

The shrine is a U shape. Low plastered adobe walls on either side, built up at the end, concave & blackened. There are crosses made of stone also twisted palm fronds, iron racks for candles. Candles burning everywhere, the ground is soaked with a greasy wax. 'Ticket' Bob wanders in. He has a vague idea of asking directions, maybe find out what is following him. Suddenly he stops in his tracks.

On one wall sits the Devil. Blue as a dead baby. Naked, his long penis hangs down a distended water balloon. Bulbous & barbed at the end it drips a pale pink flame that hisses & sputters smoke as it hits the ground. Devil looks at him, smiles

"Fuck you in the ass buddy?"

He offers a clawed hand. He's holding a small brown vial.

"Hash oil. Best around. Take you to heaven then I leave you in Hell. HA!"

Bob almost shits himself in fear. Then, in a panic, he wills his sphincter shut.

"Not for a moment demon!"

Devil looks hurt, then coy, bats suddenly long eyelashes soft lines curves appear. A feminine voice.

"Common Bobbie. Why so uptight? I know you want it. And you know I can give you anything you want."

"But I'm a married man!"

Devil sniffs.

"Separated ... ice bitch from what I hear. Doncha want something ... real?"

"Listen ... Hey! You're not the one following me, are you?"

Devil's face darkens with rage. Bob jumps back quickly as it's penis turns into an erect gnarled club. Devil smiles.

"Kiss it it turns into a B52 bomber."

Devil screams.


& shoots a huge steaming wad at the shrine taking candles, rack, crosses walls leaving a gaping smoking hole. "Ticket" Bob is flying out of there. In a blink. As if propelled. Behind him he hears a faint whisper

"up the butt"




pondering duality while driving to Sells

plastic bags shredded bits
wind torn caught on brambles
prickly pear fence wire
here a whole trash bag
caught & ballooned
a man's back
digging at
poking striking the
ground repeatedly
using a stick
or a shovel
or a bloody dark fist

shredded bits wave white
dusty flowers
over simple crosses
shrines whole roadbed
a shrine a memorial

peaking up
from under a culvert
cross wrapped in
pink & blue
plastic flowers
shrine to a dead troll

many cultures
have a story of twins
personalities split
into pure good
& pure evil
but doomed by this split
of knowledge of true humanity
of human
& thus to cause untold suffering
both together
an engine
of untold suffering

is a star evil?
or clinging to some
planet's rocky surface
that geasy protein skin
that is us?
black hole?
torn fabric of knowing
shredded breezeway of time
where is evil but in our
twinned minds?

top a hill & there before us
a roadkill dog
not a pretty town
on the radio
twins are shouting
themselves hoarse
over thick lies



Bonobos at the Convenience Mart

"The timid ones wrote about orgies. The frigid ones about frenzied fullfillments. The most poetic ones indulged in pure bestiality while the purest ones in perversions."

Anïs Nin

Nous sommes tous les sauvages.

a drain, where is the drain? every interrogation building has to have a drain

at least five masturbators in the parking lot ... always ... waiting for victims ... hiding around the sides, by the dumpster, or near the ice machine ... they'd get you as you went inside, as you reached for the glass door ... quick! ... a shuddering flinch a deep back wrenching body jerk as a thick milky rope of sperm shoots by ... never bothered those by the pumps ... who take their actions seriously ... especially those playing "wipe the windshield" or busy sucking "Premium."

heads are the best. scalps are fine but any ol scalp usually if ya wanna ID em you bring in a head. put it up along the parade ground. on a pole. lesson to the others.

inside the lights too bright the colors too garish the laughter too high pitched & nervous ... targeted items ... sale prices ... bodies lumpy, deformed ... bulky coats pants boots dark dirty smell of oil & sweat ... distillates ... bad skin bad haircuts chopped greasy flesh a smell of unwashed flesh ...

women do the torturing. it is their job. they do it willingly cause their husband has been killed & most of their children will die of starvation this coming winter.

fat woman by the roller dogs, munching down a giant sausage ... others urging her on ... three guys in hard hats pressed against the "Slurpy" ... tangled legs in the aisles ... an ass waving in thin air ...

wooden splinters inserted into flesh. set on fire they burn slowly, fed by body fat like a wick in a candle. could tell how they suffered by the way the ground is rolled flat.

everything imaginable is inserted ... popsicles ... Ho Hos ... Klondike Bars ... plastic spoons ... cakes of soap ... toothpaste ... bug repellent ... get an iced tea ... go to pay up ... counterguy face all pimples & paste ... cracked voice ... flinch again, here comes "change" ... where's that mop & bucket?

the Ring wants genocide & endless conflict
the Ring is making a tidy profit
the Ring will do anything

run a gauntlet again to the car ... finally ... outta there! ... damn Bonobos ... can't they see this is no time for such frivolity? ... can't they see there's a war going on?

look at this? no drain! what kind of interrogation building doesn't have a drain?



Three Masked Faces,
Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead

Pulltabs -
Haines, Alaska

Pulltabs - Haines, Alaska

Monkey's Uncle
Monkey's Uncle

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Bill Beaver
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Bill Beaver lives in Tucson, AZ w/two dogs amid the ruins of a 100 year-old house. His biggest ambition in life is NOT to become a bag lady.

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