Tasty Village of the Catalinas

Have some cookies Ed.

I don't want any cookies.

But I made a new batch. Fuzzy macaroons & & snowballs dipped in white chocolate.

Blue, these are blue! How can food be blue?

Huh? Food dye ... Oh Roy, yr so funny!

Roy? Roy! I'm Ed! Your husband Ed!

Ed? Who did I? Of course yr Ed ... Ed.

Roy was Edna's first husband, deceased. As was Ed's first. They remarried. Convenience. Five years ago. Edna still gets confused but Ed doesn't mind. Really. Keeps the conversation going. Sometimes.

Not now. Ed tunes her out, puts on headphones, twiddles the dials. His massive short-wave. Tall antenna outside disguised as a palm tree. He looks at his predictions, twiddles dials. 2 meter band 10 Ghz range, there, right on the money. Two, three seconds of what? Singing? Gargled gobbling whistling throat talk. Fades in then out, gone for at least 18 hours. He's tried to get an azimuth reading but ... seems to be coming from everywhere. He uploads a captured digital sample, records GMT, atmospheric conditions, another node to run through a data mine, cluster analysis, prediction software. Perhaps one day piece together a whole song or a scrap of language or a lock, that's his holy grail, a lock. A chance to listen in ...

Ed's obsession. Or Ed's Folly as Claude would call it.

It's just noise Ed. Random meaningless noise. Give it up! Stop wasting yr time.

Claude is Ed's last living friend, can say things like this, can say things Edna wouldn't dare.

When I get it all down. A whole song. I'm gonna take it to the U. To a professor there. Some expert. They'll know what it is.

Sure Ed, sure you are.

Here Ed. I made some more cookies. Don't they look like fallen angels?

Nothing recognizable. Shapeless lumps of browning dough covered with bright yellow sparkles. Fallen angels? More like crushed beetles. Ed shudders.

No thanks Edna. I'm going over to Carl's Club for a bit.

OK dear. Please be home by supper I'm baking a special dessert.

He steps outside their small trailer onto a wide car port. The heat ... shade everywhere. Mesquite, palms high & low, ash, cottonwood, yucca shade but no cool they all conspire to contain the heat, a dark heat ... smell of baked anodized aluminum.

His car is up on blocks, covered with a tarp. He hasn't driven in years, walks everywhere. Back & forth to Carl's Club which has everything he ever needs. Rest he orders over the Web.

Tasty Village of the Catalinas was once outside of town on the tree lined banks of an intermittent river across from a deep mesquite bosque. Now the city had grown around it. Other side a huge mall. River now a dry quarter mile wide chasm lined by steep soil cemented walls. A thin linear park. Trees, asphalt walkway, exercise equipment, joggers. A razor wire fence separates it from the Tasty Village. Running smack through the grounds a wash, now a U-shaped concrete canyon leading up into the mountains. Drainage, concrete all broken at the mouth where it spills into the river. Spill no longer an operative word here, been a long time since anything spilled. River & washes the surface of another world, a world cut off from normal human contact. Things travel these alternate pathways. Not good things.

Ed's trailer faces the wash, separated by a tiny brown yard. To the side a road crosses a metal bridge. Other side the trailer of his neighbor Jonathan. Ed hates his neighbor Jonathan. One of those guys ... has had it so easy ... everything good drops in his lap ... easy money ... kids to brag about ... looks like a trim fit Santa Claus ... Christ he even jogs ... drives everywhere ... works as a senior greeter at The Big Outlet Store ... Carl's Clubs' rival convenience center ... not part of Ed's circle at all. Circle of Hell. Ed hates Jonathan his neighbor, hates him with a cold irrational hate that he basks in. Normal. A normal part of living at the Tasty Village.

Ed steps into bright sunlight. A roar overhead as four Blackhawk gunships fly formation upstream. Then down below a weird articulated vehicle full of soldiers. Thirty, forty balloon tires. Some sort of rotor mounted up front. Flaying the ground before it with chains. Minesweeper. Dust settles on the dry dead twigs of a lantana bush by the electric fence.

Ed turns away walks a narrow road barely a path to where a high wall marks the end of Tasty Village. He steps through a hole busted in the slump block - wide expanse of cracked empty parking lot. A huge white windowless box. Carl's Club. THE place for a convenient shop. There inside, at a cool Formica table, Ed will while away the day with his friend Claude. Talking cleaning fluids, price of groceries, aches & pains & of course, Ed's obsession.

At the entrance a group of people, teens & young adults. Rainmakers. They are drinking a potent cactus wine. Drinking till they puke. Gagging, spitting up a foul smelling foamy white spill. "Tossing the clouds" it is called. Supposed to bring rain but it isn't working ...

Ed skirts this activity. Goes inside. Blessed cool! Small counter, tables overlooking the consumer distance. Divided by a low wooden rail. He sits down. His favorite worker, Dee Dee, is serving. He likes her chubby face. Her tired smile. Her husky voice. Her trim tight Carl's Club uniform. If he was just twenty, no thirty years younger. Damn!

Hi Dee Dee!

Hi Ed hon. Hot one out today?

You bet! I'll have the usual, bear claw & a cuppa coffee.

Her smile fades.

No bear claws today Ed. Very little coffee.

What! Why?

Store can't pay it's bills. No one is shipping.


Store's closing down Ed. Convenience wars. Big Outlet has won.

Closing? Why those bastards!

Whatever ... they bought out my servitude. Moving me up north tomorrow. Big Outlet City. Gonna work a side venue. Gonna cut hair!

That's ... uh ... good Dee Dee. That's very good.

Dee Dee lifts a mass of dark curls revealing a bar code tattooed on her neck, small scar of an implant. A trash slave! White folk who went into corporate servitude. Ed is shocked. He didn't know.

Still want that coffee?

No. I guess not. I'll jus wait here till Claude arrives.

She frowns. Looks concerned.

Ed think!

Think about what?

About Claude.

What about Claude?

She shakes her head. Softly.

Ed don't you remember? Claude died two months ago.

Died? Claude oh ... died ... I guess I do ... died.

He looks bleakly about. Store mostly empty of people. Shelves bare. Stuff scattered in the aisles. Dust. Debris. Like he's never been here before. Where is he?

Well. I guess I'll go then.

You take care of yourself Ed.

You too Dee Dee. See you tomorrow.

She sighs. Smiles her sweetest smile.

See you tomorrow Ed.

He stumbles outside. Heat like a fist. Dazzled. Bright.


Someone is puking on his shoes.

Hey look man! nimbo cumulus ... cumulo nimbo cumulus ... nimbo cumulo nimbo gigantus cumulus ... limbus ... freakin pukin gigantus ... Blaaaaahhhh! Ulp!

A deep low rumble. Thunder? Rain! Has it finally happen? No, a cave buster. Bomb burrowing like a tick a chigger a hard clawed digging dog. Burrows down deep then explodes. 25 megatons.

The Earth cracks. Splits open like a rotten melon hit by a chisel. & there below. Underneath. Another world. Our ground their sky. Now exposed. A land. Vast cities. An ocean. In untold millions they are streaming upward. Upward into sunlight. Into a new sky. Singing. Singing Ed's Obsession. With a cry of joy Ed runs to greet them. But joy turns to horror as he sees them, sees what they really are.

Edna at home has burnt her latest batch of cookies.

Roy's gonna be pissed.

She thinks.

Roy really hates burned cookies.




A Vision

I'm sitting here writing under a tiny Arts & Crafts style lamp. It has a half-round metal frame holding an orange shell or horn-like plastic shade. A gray corrugated metal wall divides large picture windows. Salmon color trim. Dark blue the ceiling & other wall. In this dividing space a print of a woman, naked, sitting, her legs wide apart. It is called "A Vision" & has a price tag of $25. It's been sold. I am not sure but I think the woman is pregnant. She is about to drop a baby onto my writing pad, my mug of black coffee, my chocolate chip muffin. There are white fairy lights hung everywhere, along the ceiling, down corners, framing a display of cakes & cookies. Art is hanging, filling available spaces, almost all done by women.

I need another cup of coffee
quarter refill
there, ahhh, hot

I'm waiting for the head to emerge. The print doesn't seem sexual, pornographic or even erotic. More a chart, anatomical. I want to draw lines, label things; clitoris, labia major & minor. It is difficult for me as a man not to at least look. I know it's impolite to stare. $25 seems laughable but it's a small print & in the art world as everywhere else "size matters." Now, a female artist friend of mine would say that this is a male thing, this making everything bigger but still, "size matters."

I have been struggling with depression
a month now
it has happened before
goes in waves
not anything or the littlest thing
can start it off
an unkind word
a news article
traffic ticket
paying bills ...

Andrew Weil
sez fast from the news
always have fresh cut flowers
for health

or writing
after writing
the act in itself soothes me
but afterwards
a postpartum
like giving birth
depression afterwards

don't want to take strong drugs
know a guy heavy into Zolof
brought on an epileptic fit
now like part of his brain
forever somewhere else
no, I take St. John's Wort
lately doubling, tripling the dosage

this morning I slept
after taking my son to work
for 6 hours
dreaming? ...
I can't remember!
movement ...
very busy ...

The woman in the print. I think she's ready. Now. Push! Breathe. Focus. Debbie, her fingers hooked in my hair. Face pressed close. Wild glassy eyes. Tugging I can hear my roots pop. Push!

I don't know what it is
there is no reason
I am busy I leap from
to image
to code
combined sometimes
realized a new thing
a shining moment


a substrate surface
relief    intaglio    stencil    litho    monoprint

so much to do
despair has no reason

Coffee finished. It has given my hands a fine steady tremble. Print woman is ready. To receive. A tongue or a dick or a finger. Or ready to conceive. Frozen motion. Stuck in the moment. Everything else is just imagination, a dense forest of possibility. I just noticed. She doesn't have an asshole.

I read somewhere
that left brain activity
logic games
relieves depression
so I do puzzles
brain teasers
algebra problems
try solving proofs

another zig in my zag
another node of activity
holes in a dartboard
sometimes you miss
hit the wall

another day
just like being born




Wind Walker,
Petersburg, Alaska

winda.jpg - 8389 Bytes
Birth, Alaskan State Museum,
Juneau, Alaska

Birth, Alaskan State Museum, Juneau, Alaska
Santa Rita Mts.,

Santa Rita Mts., Arizona

near Sitka, Alaska

Renga, near Sitka, Alaska
Ravens Roost,
Sitka, Alaska

Ravens Roost, Sitka, Alaska
Number 1 Oil Only,
Sitka, Alaska

Number 1 Oil Only, Sitka, Alaska
The Popcorn Wagon,
Skagway, Alaska

The Popcorn Wagon, Skagway, Alaska

bill beaver
Bill Beaver
click for larger view
Bill Beaver lives in Tucson, AZ w/two dogs amid the ruins of a 100 year-old house. His biggest ambition in life is NOT to become a bag lady.

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