the cellar w/Jamie B. Lepore goes ...
bE Careful What yoU wiSh FoR And slide FoR-=-(-Whos ThERe?
YouR Screamin CaN be Way to loW=-=MemorieS of SlammiN
From BehinD.A SicK Vapor Game=-=AnD noW-=-yoUr s0=-=..
AshameD.BuT I;ll have My reVenge in EveRY DrEam you..
SlEEp...and..In EveRY DanCE you EveR -=- Dance WiTH me.
I giVE yoU thE ScArs..ThaT BlEEd ..inTo ThE rain.......
......tIl ouR spineS Roll BaCk...SliDin My favoritE....
...VeiN.SketcheS..iN ThE SlidERs=-=Ro0m.-=(-ClimAx-)=-
Signed: ThE CollEctoR 0f Souls(-=-ThE RidEs neVEr ovER.

"How BlinD, the soul Leaks.-=-"


Title:For My Flesh
~I fly to my redemption___^~
____~My DogS have LeFT_::=me
___down~____under_in......the drowninG~^p0ol*

~so~~.i,,cut my arms(open)
~~~to...lEt you DrinK_________^)_+
..all my past sorrows...while
..romancing all illusions away
Through all the alley's~and~lost doors
~_of every*^~LoST__angel
_+^~I'll stand in linE___
Be youR doG..your GhoST^..

~Swimming through mangled ..LovERS_++++
I am A hell-SEnT-Angel
"Watch Me Cover My.. ..."Touch"



YES! I dream about you
Forever ,not For BetteR)_+
My affection,your....
Maybe the sun...
And after the...


~Your in my mind,and in my pewtrid steam~
~Fade into~A~liquid land,of a thousand strands~
~And drop before the sinister eye of my lover..."Satan"
...Who keeps us*

And he laughs,and I scream~~~~~
~for you and I ~our blood turns you...
...because..the existence of my evil has always been there.....
...And...With~un-dying ~an un-living~love....
...We step outta line~~~Oh,s0...R0manticallY~~*


Its not the same when the lights go out...when the glitter fades...
When your stripped to the core of your one will be there
...Just the red sky~and black m0on~you;ll wipe the rain fr0m your eyes*

~And if you stumble across a rip in the mo0n~it might be me...
...With my glittered hairclips,straching my way

***Through thousands of darkeded~skys~and...souls..lost in the dark..***
Quote:I gave you my heart in a flowered pin~which now bleeds..... ....My BrokEn<>^^plAnET^<>
signed Brace-aka---blah blAH ---jamie-0X-zx
If youd stop -=-making me believe
that -=-i can really see-=-=
then thE --rain -=-coats-=-...would ..fall off
We'd be way tp translucent in our own brillance .....though...
-----would't WE?

Be well ==always-=-=-=Protect your ciRclE
Sorryy---if my links on arn'T working
Possible ---lol-angelfire goin brokE
Always thanks ----to "Cait Collins"--toSSEs her sum DREad=locks
luv:=Jamie Leporexzxzxzxzx===aka-----BraCE

click for larger view

Twins of Lucy
Twins of Lucy
Planet Broken


jamie lepore
>Name: Bracelets_HELL....~JaMIE...t0 thoSE ..wh0..shaRE theyre Cigs...alalallalaaa)_+ Grew up in the TRenches 0f NeW~YorK CiTY....Where i,,,Developed ...a...senSE..FoR__(((( PaIN)))=(strongley advise anyone to stay away from cellars)~~__Started Writing At Age 4yrs=When singing newest peom in caR~mommy SAid!!==Shad up...I'll ..?~_. *I now livE in..Gutter oF miami=South=Beach+...And do_*Sing*...and..they still say...SHaD~UP..alallallalla* +my peotry is true crimes true things as are my songs+ +if youR in miami__finD,,,,,a muSic,,cellar....Bangin mY guitar+ ~~oh yea,,,,...~~~BuT!! (~_C-ya-Be-Well-_"anYone got a cig?...? Type 0f Poetry:____SLidin___

[---always Specail Bites to cait collins ]

Signed:Bracelets_HELL      *Be Well*Protect*YouR*Circle^)*
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^)_+JaimiEns CellaR_(_+^
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