Return to Plainclothes
Did it really snow a few windy flakes today?
Feels like a kind of enmity coming so early.
The wind has been funny, though; fighting back
Like an accused man, in hanging days.
Nor do we seem able to find enough robots
To do the deed any longer. Not here.
So I'm in the market for a castle.
Simple dank stone. I need the spare
Stories, devised protocol of ghosts.
The few of me, armed and dangerous, like a young
William Penn at the bottom of his very own lake.
I am a software exec. and I do secret internet foo. I live near Boston, Massachusetts and spend a lot of time in San Francisco.
I began writing poetry a few years ago in a brave but ultimately feckless attempt to stave off a canonical entrapment breakdown.
I sometimes write with a pseudonym: Yorick_Nixon. I also write music and play musical instruments. I was a member of Boston noise band Inner Beauty and San Francisco improv combo Senator Buchanon. With the members of Inner Beauty I co-authored a pre-web internet published dystopic novel entitled "Skunk Angst".
Any spare time I have I read Shakespeare or listen to Bach. Bach seems to be the one thing all nerds agree on. I've lost touch with my culture. Though my friend Janet has turned me onto Cat Power. My only firmly held cultural belief is that Chan Marshall of Cat Power is kind of a babe. |